Are there any items that cannot be returned or exchanged?

Yes, all final sale items and promotional products discounted at 70% or more cannot be returned or exchanged.

What if I want to exchange an item?

If you choose to exchange, please keep in mind that we will refund or charge for the difference in the price of the item that you choose to exchange. To initiate a return or exchange, please contact customer support at

How can customers in Canada exchange an item?

If you would like to exchange an item for orders shipped to Canada, please follow the return process and place a new order for the desired item on the website.

What is’s return and exchange policy? offers an excellent return and exchange policy. You can return your order with free shipping and receive a full refund within the first 30 days. Additionally, you have up to 90 days to process up to three free shipping exchanges. Our bedding experts are available to assist you with returns or exchanges via email at

What is’s exchange policy?

You have up to 90 days to process up to 3 FREE shipping exchanges with Our pillow experts will help you process a return or exchange through email at

What is the exchange process for customers in Canada?

For exchanges, Canadian customers should follow the return process and then place a new order for the desired item on the website. Additionally, customers are responsible for any customs duties or taxes on returned items from Canada and must ensure accurate completion of all necessary customs documentation to avoid delays or extra charges.